Diabetic Foot CareFor people with diabetes a lot of attention is focused on foot care. So much that you may think that foot problems are inevitable. Not so, you can prevent or minimise most problems with an easy to follow routine of daily foot care. We can give you an individual plan for keeping your feet healthy.I t is true that having diabetes means taking special care of your feet, you must protect them from infection and its potentially serious consequences. Diabetes effects the whole body however it can cause many problems in the feet. In the diabetic patient they produce less insulin than in a normal patient, the insulin is used by the body to break down sugars within the body with less insulin there is elevated amounts of sugar in the blood. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 or juvenile onset this is generally the more dangerous type as patients develop this at a very young age and hence there is longer for the effects of diabetes to be felt, this type is generally treated with injections of insulin . Type 2 or late onset diabetes is generally developed later in life and is controlled with medication or diet. We have listed some interesting links below: Diabetes Australia----------------------------------diabetesaustralia.com Diabetes Australia Victoria---------------------------------------dav.org.au Australian Centre for Diabetes Strategies-----------diabetes.net.au Diabetes Centre----------------------------------------------diabetes.org.au International Diabetes Institute-----------------------diabetes.com.au Children With Diabetes----------------------childrenwithdiabetes.com Reality Check Inc.-------------------------------------realitycheck.org.au The Diabetic Foot Risk Calculator-----footandankle.com/DMfoot/ American Diabetes Association-------------diabetes.org/home.jsp
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